Great job on this.
If you are looking to go back into this with some fix-ups, the areas most noticeable, personally, would be:
Left arm: Appears her hand is backwards. Could always reverse, or put more emphasis on her palm with shading to show it's the underside of her hand, and not the back of it as it appears to be in this shot.
Foot in foreground: I believe what's causing this to look out of place is not the foot itself, rather the boot/shoe itself. A rounded boot-tip (shell) would help fill up this area, even if it's a small diameter. Her heel goes from a nice 3D to a flattened 2D state, so the shell would help the consistent 3D-ness of her foot.
Arms: The weakest complaint I have about this piece, because it's not really that bad. Her arms could be a slight extension longer (notably, from the shoulder to elbow section in the right arm - the forearm is of perfect length as it is), and likewise with her left arm, only a slight adjustment to that forearm, to compensate for overall proportions.
Still giving you a 5 for this piece, whether you touch it up or not. Faved as well. I see where you were going with it, and it did it's thing for me as soon as I saw it. Good job.