Sorry about the delay, but we're still releasing "LAZY" any day now, just shifting through a lot of things-of-going-on at the moment.
This release, don't expect something grand - we simply walked in, did our one/two take, or freestyle, whichever came out of the short time we put in ended up as this small collection. We didn't really know what to do with these, and there's certainly quite a we save them as b sides? stock up and release them all one day? and considering schedule is proving to be pretty busy for the new year, we probably can't hold onto ALL of them at one period. What we did was take a few off the top, and we lazily tossed them on here.. But the subtle niceness here, shows you what kind of retarded bullshit happens when we just hang out. We fuck up lots. We have a laugh. We just have fun.
So I guess that's sort of what this is. A lazy, hang out.
Why did we do these?
We don't know. But we enjoy doing anything.
"LAZY" will release late this November. We'll throw up a news post when that time comes! For now, here's our free MUSIC LIBRARY have at it. Use 'em in your submission. Leave 'em on a USB on the bus. Burn it onto a disc and leave it in someone's mailbox, or something.